11 減数分裂と有性生殖

11 減数分裂と有性生殖
Three images are shown. Part a shows a mother and baby hippopotamus. In part b, mature trees are pictured next to saplings. In part c, a mother and baby flamingo are shown.
図11.1 私たち一人ひとりは、上に示した生物と同様に、受精卵(接合子)として生命を開始する。何兆回もの細胞分裂を経て、複雑な多細胞生物に成長する。(credit a: modification of work by Frank Wouters; credit b: modification of work by Ken Cole, USGS; credit c: modification of work by Martin Pettitt)

Figure 11.1 Each of us, like the organisms shown above, begins life as a fertilized egg (zygote). After trillions of cell divisions, each of us develops into a complex, multicellular organism.


  • 11.1 減数分裂の過程
  • 11.2 有性生殖

The ability to reproduce is a basic characteristic of all organisms: Hippopotamuses give birth to hippopotamus calves; Joshua trees produce seeds from which Joshua tree seedlings emerge; and adult flamingos lay eggs that hatch into flamingo chicks. However, unlike the organisms shown above, offspring may or may not resemble their parents. For example, in the case of most insects such as butterflies (with a complete metamorphosis), the larval forms rarely resemble the adult forms.



Although many unicellular organisms and a few multicellular organisms can produce genetically identical clones of themselves through asexual reproduction, many single-celled organisms and most multicellular organisms reproduce regularly using another method—sexual reproduction.

This highly evolved method involves the production by parents of two haploid cells and the fusion of two haploid cells to form a single, genetically recombined diploid cell—a genetically unique organism. Haploid cells that are part of the sexual reproductive cycle are produced by a type of cell division called meiosis. Sexual reproduction, involving both meiosis and fertilization, introduces variation into offspring that may account for the evolutionary success of sexual reproduction. The vast majority of eukaryotic organisms, both multicellular and unicellular, can or must employ some form of meiosis and fertilization to reproduce.

多くの単細胞生物や少数の多細胞生物は、無性生殖asexual reproductionによって遺伝的に同一のクローンを作ることができますが、多くの単細胞生物とほとんどの多細胞生物は、別の方法である有性生殖sexual reproductionによって定期的に生殖を行っています。



In most plants and animals the zygote formed by fertilization, through thousands of rounds of mitotic cell division, will develop into an adult organism.


